Do you need an expert company to install your system – or
would you like to retrofit a storage unit but not install it
We are happy to support you with our expertise and offer
you professional assembly and installation – both
nationwide and throughout Europe!
In short:
The most important
things at a glance
- Everything from a single source: Once you have decided on a solar system, we are also your reliable partner for professional system installation.
- With our many years of experience and extensive know-how, we will take care of the professional assembly and installation of your solar system on the roof or facade of your house, as well as the wiring and all connections.
Professional installation services
Before the installation can be implemented, there are two important steps: the assessment and dimensioning of your roof
Based on this data, we determine (naturally taking into account the wind load and statics of your roof) the exact design of
the modules, as well as the number required to cover your needs.
After final consultation, we then install the substructure on your roof, ground it and fit it with the previously determined
modules. After these have been connected (“strung”), it is now a matter of laying these strings/circuits up to the house
connection room.
From here, your solar system will be connected to the inverter (and possibly also to the storage unit) – and expertly
connected to the house network.
For a sustainable future -
your solar project in the best hands
Important facts on the subject of solar system assembly
While it is generally assumed that a solar system consists only of the dark blue to black modules, this might not be further from reality – after all, a solar system consists of a multitude of complicated components.
For solar energy to be transformed into usable electricity, the following four main elements are needed:
- the solar modules
- an inverter
- a mounting system
- an electricity storage system (if necessary)
In addition to various cables, an electricity meter is also required.
If your system is installed by a specialist company, the solar components are usually not provided and installed individually, but in the form of a complete system.
In general, it, therefore, makes little sense to buy solar modules or other components of the system individually, as each component must be coordinated with the others.
Various mounting systems
The mounting options for solar systems are as unique as the individual circumstances they are used in. For example, a solar system can be installed not only on the roof of a house but also on the garage, the house façade or even extensions – such as conservatories.
Nevertheless, it is often the case that the installation of the system on the roof of the house is the most profitable and should therefore be examined more closely first. There are adapted installation concepts for flat and pitched roofs:
Installation concept for flat roofs
Even if people often mistakenly assume the opposite, flat roofs are ideal for the installation of a solar system. The solar modules are elevated and optimally oriented towards the south.
Incidentally, a distinction is made between two variants of flat roofs:
- In most cases, a metal frame made of aluminium is attached to the flat roof with screws. The modules are then mounted to these using suitable clamps. However, screwing these systems in place has the disadvantage that the roof cladding is usually damaged, which can lead to leaks. Alternatively, the systems could be screwed together, whereby only the outer sides would be fastened to the roof.
Fortunately, there are also fastening systems or plastic tubs that are weighted down on the roof so that the roof cladding is not damaged. However, since in this case the roof’s statics are more heavily loaded, this option is not suitable for every roof.
Mounting concepts for pitched roofs
- The so-called on-roof mounting is the most commonly used method that allows a solar system to be mounted on a pitched roof. Here, the solar modules are mounted on the roof in such a way that the roof itself remains unchanged.
- Three components are important for the on-roof: the roof fastening (usually in the form of roof hooks), the support structure (as rails) and the module fastening. The roof hooks are mounted on the roof truss. For this purpose, the roof covering is removed for a short time.
- With in-roof mounting, the system is not integrated on the roof, but instead of the roof tiles. The in-roof is reliably sealed by special cover plates – or employing a protective foil.
- The in-roof is often perceived as visually more attractive, as the solar modules connect with the roof and present a flat surface.
Facade installation
If necessary, a façade installation can be considered. However, it is important to ensure that there are no possible shadow sources around the façade that could reduce the amount of light received.
There are two types of facade installation:
- With a cold façade, the solar modules are mounted directly in front of the façade. As already described for on-roof mounting, special rails are used here to provide the necessary rear ventilation for the modules.
- This type of installation offers the option of integrating the solar system completely into the building. In this case, the modules serve both to protect the façade of the house and as thermal insulation at the same time. Incidentally, the warm façade is planned and integrated directly during the construction of the house. This is an innovation that is still quite new on the solar market.